Monday 23 July 2007

Writing Competition- What happened at the Hot Dog Stand

Funny subject, eh? =) Goes to show that the compleader was a cool person.

-What happened at the Hot Dog Stand

There was a loud explosion.

Later, it would be blamed on the faulty gas stove hidden deep in the entrails of the hot dog stand, but, at that particular moment in time, the various specimens of homo sapiens ran around like headless chickens, screaming, unsure of what had happened. Nobody quite dared get closer to the flaming stand to rescue the hot dog man. Had they done so, they might have found something quite literally out of this world.

“Argle Boogle Shlarp Shlarp,” muttered one slimy looking alien-lifeform as it packed the unconscious salesman into his suitcase. It was shielded by the sheet of flame, and so did not induce wide-spread panic amongst the population. It had intended to cause minimum damage, and, being a creature of highly advanced mental capacities, had succeeded.

In fact, the only victim was the hotdog vendor, who was never seen again.

I did this one rather quickly, so don't gripe. It had to have aliens, of course XD

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